Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Serious Mouse Work

I've wondered why Google would pay people (like you, Sven) to put ads on their pages. The risk seems to be pretty high for that type of advertising. What made sense to me was pointed out today at Google even lists this type of advertising as a risk according to the article. So, I could get Sven a nice check, cost Google and their advertising partners a bunch of money, and it would be as simple as hitting the mouse button. The article points to a growing industry in India of clickers, people who simply sit at a computer and click on ads. They get a couple hundred dollars a month for hitting a mouse button. It would seem that this would put small businesses at greatest risk as they are least likely to have the resources to pay Google if a clicker hits their ads. Anyway, interesting article on a side of the internet that no one seems to think about.