Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Yet Another Reason

Damien Barrett posted a great little piece about his love for the Mac and the temptation of Windows. After thinking that learning about Windows would be a good idea, his employer gave him that opportunity...a weekend of cleaning viruses and malware off of students' computers at the college he works for. Can you imagine? People who use Windows wonder why there are Mac Snobs; Mac Snobs wonder why anyone would choose to use Windows. So, why would someone CHOOSE to use Windows? 20,000 pieces of malware on ONE computer?!?

At work I've taken to running Adaware and Spybot at least once a week (it's a given that anti-virus software must run every day). I ALWAYS find malware on my computer. A recent test was done where a Windows computer was purchased, taken out of the box, hooked up to a broadband line, and turned on. Twenty minutes later, it had malware. The computer wasn't used, it was just hooked up! U of MA folks didn't believe that when they read it, so they did the same thing with two computers and...you guessed it...within 20 minutes both were infected. (Sorry, but I'm not going to look up the links unless someone complains)

Now, admittedly, I'm one of those Mac users who does have anti-virus software on my computer. Every 30 days I download new definitions. Someday I might just run the software. I used to run it once a week, but I got sick of finding the window open telling me everything was fine, so I switched to once a month. I still got sick of it, so I quit. It's there in case someone somewhere finds a virus that might infect my computer, until then, why bother? I've heard that people get sick of the internet because it's become to hazardous. Me? I'm Lovin' It!