Monday, December 13, 2004

What Makes People Do It?

Church Marketing Sucks has a little piece about a guy who spent five months making a video advertising the iPod Mini. What would drive someone to do that? Better yet, why don't people do that for their church? This guy did it because he loved his iPod. What aspect of your church would you do that for?

Today we went to Nathan's Christmas show for Mom's Day Out. We had a great time. What really struck me, though, was that there were several hundred people there, and hardly any of them actually attend our church. I can guarantee that WAY over half the people there have enrolled their kids in our church's program because they've heard that its good. One person there is THE developer in our city. I heard him comment to someone that he's had kids enrolled for seven years. I don't know if he's plugged in to another church or not, but I do know that he hears the Gospel when he walks in to our church. Our church's kids program is something that is inspiring. Even before I went to the program, I was in a meeting with someone who told me that her kids go to our church's summer program and they TOTALLY love it. Her daughter even wants to be a counsellor when she gets old enough. This is another family that doesn't attend our church (though they do attend another church in town).

What is it about your church that inspires you, that makes you want to create a commercial for your church or church's program?