Friday, November 05, 2004

Computer Websites

Jill's aunt is looking for a computer and I've been asked to help her find one. Apparently she can't use a Mac because someone told her she can't. Too bad, since they're less money for more computer. Oh I started looking around. I went to CDW since they did so well for me with work computers and was looking in the $1000 range. Then I went to Dell. Now, I read recently that Dell ranked at the top of online computer stores. The first poster over at MacDailyNews wanted to know what the respondents had been smoking. While I wouldn't quite put it that way, I have to wonder what people are thinking when they get mediocre pricing and a TERRIBLY SLOW website. It got so slow that I went over to CNet to test my bandwidth and make sure everything was ok! The time to load a page was literally measured in minutes, and that's on DSL! My bandwidth check came in at over 700 kbps, so I know it was their site. What an awful experience! That survey must have been taken of people who bought Dell's, because no one in their right mind would have rated that site that high! Pathetic.