Saturday, December 04, 2004

It's Saturday

It is the first Saturday in December, can you believe it? Nathan woke us up with a "sick tummy." By 7:30 he was in the tub for a massive cleaning job. He's been doing pretty good since about 9:30, though. Good thing. It seems like we're having lots of little sickness around here these days. Even the dog threw up today.

I was helping my mother in law land some tickets to see Josh Groban for my sister in law. Wow, what a pain. The site for ordering the tickets worked fine the other night when I was trying out another concert just to make sure it would work. Today, however, in the massive rush to get tickets, I couldn't make it happen. Once I got the "Buy Now" screen, I'd just get junk pages. I finally opened Internet Exploder and got in without a problem. I guess whoever designed their site forgot to use web standards, or something. There was nothing to indicate that IE was required, in fact, the other night was completely IE free (as is the VAST majority of my surfing), so I don't know what the deal was with the site today. Well, they still got seats on the floor, so that's not too bad.