Monday, January 09, 2006

Good Communication Consists Of...

I received a sample newsletter from a management consulting firm today. They included a sample of their newsletter, Communication Solutions, that focused on effective communication in business. The irony is that their newsletter was full of language that I would never use in private, much less in a business setting! I just don't understand why some people feel that "edgy" language is acceptable in business. I've only dealt with one business person who used language like that, and I am almost always on edge around that person simply because of their language. As an employer, and much of the newsletter focused on employer/employee communication, I would never use the language that they did in my office. Then, they want me to believe that their newsletter (a whopping 12 pages! :rolleyes: ) is worth...are you sitting down?...$179 for 12 issues!!! Ya, I'll be signing right up for that one...NOT!!!